I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. Mahatma Gandhi When I wrote Bridge of Souls I wanted to create a story that would provide an alternative to the existing format within much of the modern action genre, of violence for amusement or spectacle. Since the Bridge of Souls story is an action adventure there would, by necessity, be some violence but I carefully planned the plot so that the protagonists clearly only use violence as a final resort. For example, if you examine the behaviour of Tavish Stewart in the beginning of the story, he is bound within what is often termed " the rule of law ". His responses to extreme violence are measured and appropriate to the threat facing him and those around him. As the story progresses, and the actions against him become more and more extraordinary, his responses change, but his behaviour is always in proportion to the threat facing...
Devoted to the fiction of K.R.M. Morgan