In the not so distant past, Nations had armed forces and intelligence services. These bodies were authorised agents of the elected Government. They acted within the oversight of Government and were, to some extent, accountable for their actions and how they spent taxpayers money.
Today, things are not so clear. As the desire to act and spend outside of the oversight of Government increased, intelligence services and the armed forces began to outsource their deniable actions to private corporations. These private corporations act unofficially to perform acts which the State funded agents of Government can not sanction. The danger with such outsourcing is that these corporations have their own interests and once they are given authority to act on behalf of Nations they can abuse their positions of trust.
In Bridge of Souls I created a fictional global corporation, called "Maelstrom", that provides the major Western Nations with outsourced military and intelligence services for their deniable operations. The problem is that Maelstrom has its own agenda and it is not good.
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